Five research Labs belonging to the Emilia Romagna High Technology Network (HTN) participate in the SOSTINNOVI activities, in collaboration with five major wine makers.
BIOGEST-SITEIA is the research center for the improvement and valorization of agrifood biological resources, belonging to the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. The center offers to agrifood companies an industrial and applied research service, tailored to their needs. It promotes and coordinates sectorial research on crop production and transformation processes and on studies concerning agrifood innovation management.
CRPV LAB is a research Lab accredited by the Emilia Romagna High Technology Network. The Lab aims at developing the understandings and innovative techniques about food, energy and environment areas. Its expertise stems from the Centro Ricerche Produzioni Vegetali and ASTRA-Innovazione e Sviluppo extensive experience and professionalism.
CIRI-AGRO (Interdepartmental Center for Agrifood Industrial Research) is an instrument of the University of Bologna aimed at performing research and enhancing the relationship with business partners through the promotion of effective technological transfer.
InterMech – MO.RE. is the Interdepartmental Center of applied research and services in advanced mechanical engineering and engine manufacturing of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. It offers industrial research services to private companies, as the design and development of new products and processes.
SITEIA.PARMA is the Interdepartmental Center of the University of Parma co-funded with the Emilia Romagna Region in the framework of the Industrial research, innovation and technological transfer Regional Program (PRRIITT).
CAVIRO, Faenza (RA), is an agriculture cooperative related to different consistent realities, 32 of which are social wineries (that relate 11.500 viticulturists over a surface of 31.000 hectars, producing 6.200.000 quintals of grapes), 7 further wineries that lend their subproducts, 2 wine consortiums and 2 cooperatives of the vegetable/fruit sector.
Cantine Riunite & Civ, Campegine (RE), born in 1950 from the union of 9 Social Wineries of Reggio Emilia Province (Cantine Cooperative Riunite); other 4 Social Wineries of the Modena Province followed the same path and constituted the Consorzio Interprovinciale Vini (CIV), 11 years afterwards.
Gruppo Cevico, Lugo (RA), is one of the most important winery systems in Italy and dates its origin back to 50 years. This is a big cooperative reality in Romagna, with loads of connections with other regions. The Gruppo Cevico is the strategic center of the systems, aimed to carry on technical and commercial services for the whole production chain. The Social Wineries that adhere to the project receive grapes from the associated producers and proceed with the wine production. A major part of its wine is packed by two of the most important bottling centers, that are property of the Consortium.
Cantina Sociale San Martino in Rio, San Martino in Rio (RE), is founded in 1907 by a group of 29 partners that were interested in the business and management of their direct product. The vineyards extend mainly in Pianura Padana in the Reggio Emilia Province and partly in Modena, in the heart of the traditional lands of Lambrusco. Infact there are many kinds of Lambruscos besides Ancellotta and all represent the viticulture.
Emilia Wine, Scandiano (RE), is a cooperative winery traditionally related to its territoriy. Viticulturists work with passion and elate the pureness of the fruits of the Nature with love and respect, producing a high quality wine that binds indissolubly the man with the nature. The excellence starts from the vineyards and arrives into the wine: wine and Lambruscos are the natural product of their genuine soil, from bounches selected in Reggio Emilia florid soil, such that convivial and contemporary wine are born.
Reggio Emilia Innovazione (REI) starts from the will of the most important institution of its territory, to enhance the industrial research, to increase the knowledge spread and the competition on the territory. With these aims, REI is not only the Portal of Reggio Emilia Tecnopolo but is also a Center of Innovation, a Laboratory of High Tech Network Research (HTN) of regione Emilia-Romagna and a Certified Innovative Start Up Incubator. REI offers tests and technical supports services in its research laboratories, for subjects like mechatronics or renewable sources of energy.